peter dohan
1 min readSep 7, 2022


As a physician, not a physicist, I find your arguments turgid (please define your terms which are opaque to non-physicists.) Unless I read your complicated article wrong, Guth's inflation takes center stage. This begs the question of what came before. If the big bang is devoid of predictive value, that does not mean it did not occur. Predictions emerge in the amazingly miniscule time we have taking our cosmic understanding of what occured after the big bang.

Your attempts at explaining the universe would benefit from Einstein's seminal observation:

“If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.” Consider your readers as naive 6 yr olds, please as you have much to share.

peter h. dohan, md

portland ME

PS: Have you considered how arrogant your icon with a crown is?. Brilliant as you are, no good researcher, physicist or physician, would ever grace himself with a crown as they realize their work is a product of the collaborative nature of science



peter dohan

Ex-surgical pathologist, now a photographer; partnered with a unique Chinese surgeon. Well travelled and full of simple love.