peter dohan
1 min readMay 10, 2023


Dear Bryan,

The article in question made me angry at inadvisable behavior. I have no care for any purported physiologic benefits. When you think "sodium =salt", there is only one consideration: blood pressure. Sodium, Na, regulates blood volume so increasing Na will increase your blood volume and your heart will pump more blood per beat. However, there is always however in medicine, Na is highly associated with high blood pressure. High blood pressure, except in rare circumstances (malignant hypertension) is without symptoms. It is a major contributor to garden-variety coronary artery disease., along with many other factors. So, please know your blood pressure. You sound young, so hypertension is rare in your age group, although it can develop in middle life. It is a key number to know. Sodium per se does not harm the arteries.

Rather it is the hypertension, associated with too much Na. that causes heart vessel disease.




peter dohan

Ex-surgical pathologist, now a photographer; partnered with a unique Chinese surgeon. Well travelled and full of simple love.