peter dohan
1 min readMar 26, 2023


Dear Dr. Cain,

Glad you laughed as joy is rara avis in terra. I noticed it took you 7 lines to respond to my 2- the usual philosophical verbal inflation. The juvenile Dr. Tyson has certainly brought more wisdom to the world than you have. As that other juvenile scientist, Einstein said :(paraphrase): If you cannot explain it to a 5 year old, you do not understand it.

No, I was not guessing about which group you self-placed yourself - only trying to be kind. How did you know I am an infamous narcissist when I used the word "I" once? Deep philosophical insight or a Knee-jerk response to someone who disagrees with you?

Hmmm, Health-care provider "God Complex"?There are certainly some of us who fit the description. As a pathologist who killed a middle-aged woman thru breast cancer I misdiagnosed, my humble experience is that most docs etc. pray with humility to God for wisdom and good clinical judgment.

Although Snow defined the problem, a philosopher of science, Hans Popper "solved" the problem.

Science can be falsified; the humanities cannot. That says nothing about the immeasurable joys of the humanities. It only says they deal with a different (largely amygdala-based) version of truth.

I hope this was good for your jollies also.




peter dohan
peter dohan

Written by peter dohan

Ex-surgical pathologist, now a photographer; partnered with a unique Chinese surgeon. Well travelled and full of simple love.

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