peter dohan
Nov 27, 2021


Dear #PTBAM,

Some truth in your article and a little too much misogny. I disagree, at age 75 with an LDR with a lovely inside and out Chinese surgeon, that women lose value as they age. From your perch in the 30s it may seem so. From my older perch, women acquire a deeper beauty and wisdom. Currently, celibate by choice, my best lovers have been older women - more open, sexual and they know what they want and how to be excellent lovers.

Personally,, I find the 3Cers (Cancel-Culture-Cultist) royal, self-centered pains in the ass. They are best disregarded. However, you present masculinity as an ever increasing value and the feminine as a decreasing value with age. This may be true for you. For me, it is a misogynistic misrepresentation of the true value of women at any age.

Good luck. I like your #PTBAM.




peter dohan

Ex-surgical pathologist, now a photographer; partnered with a unique Chinese surgeon. Well travelled and full of simple love.