peter dohan
1 min readMar 21, 2023



Hypertension is a silent killer, hard to control. Eating the aptly acronymed SAD (Standard American Diet) will give you plenty of NaCl-salt. Do you salt your McD fries? You do a disservice, in my medical opinion, as a doctor who has often held a heart in my hands with the "widow-maker' lesion-obstruction of the left main descending coronary artery.r Hypertension is a major treatable risk factor in atherogenesis, CAD. The rx. of this condition is aimed at excreting salt or decreasing beta adrenergic activity. There are electrolytes we should consider adding- Mg, K, Se and others. Eat SAD and you get enough salt. I have never heard of a healthy person collapsing from hypotension due to too little salt (hyponatremia-).

You may feel like you have exposed a gigantic medical hoax. All those lying-cheating antiSalt and anticholesterol doctors. How will you feel when a reader dies of a massive hemorrhagic stroke?Personally, I NEVER ADD SALT!

Peter H. Dohan, MD



peter dohan

Ex-surgical pathologist, now a photographer; partnered with a unique Chinese surgeon. Well travelled and full of simple love.